Federico Vezzani

Head of Site Reliability Engineering, UK

Tell me what you do for Flooid. What is your title? What is your day to day like?

Head of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) and CISO 

Why did you choose to work for Flooid? How long have you been with the company?

2 years, referral. Really fascinating to see retail systems behind the curtain and contributing to their automation.

How is Flooid helping you to advance in your career?

Work is about a community, rather than a career.

Why do you choose to stay with Flooid? What is one or two of the most important things that Flooid allows you to do?

Love the team, love the technology, love the flexibility.

If you were having a conversation with a colleague about why they should come to work for Flooid, what would you tell them?

If you’re not in Flooid SRE, you are missing out!